Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I am personally asking anyone and everyone...

...that follows my blog to donate to Sophia. Here is her website. I have blogged about Sophia before- I photographed her as a sweet, sweet newborn, only days old. Now, she is the sweetest 4 month old you'll ever meet, with the most amazing story-telling eyes you will ever see. Sophia has been diagnosed with SMA, spinal muscular atrophy, a disease which attacks the muscles and for which there is no cure. Their family is amazing, doing such a great job fundraising to help Sophia get into a trial stem cell research program.

I am in love with this family and this little girl. I have never seen two parents so in love with their child- they have their own little made up songs for her that they sing to her constantly. And when Sophia hears them, she literally lights up. She is a gem; she is a fighter. I pray for her constantly.

Please, contribute if you can to her cause.







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summer lyn photography

wife to Greg, mother to 2 beautiful girls, Hannah and Emerson