Sunday, July 12, 2009

Am I the only one to get the emotion-filled sessions...

...especially today when I completely teared up (okay, I cried)??! When I spoke to Denise on the phone about our session, she had asked me if there was any way that I could somehow work her father's fire helmet into a photo. 911 took many from us, Denise's father being one of them. Battalion Chief Dennis A. Cross was lost almost eight years ago. The helmet in the photos was given to the family by the department, as well as the flag, which was flown at the White House. In honor of his poppy, Nolan was named Nolan Dennis. So, yes, I did cry at this session. I picked up the helmet and lost it- thankfully, Denise held it together. I'm an emotional person anyway, and photography only enhances that. Sweet Nolan, you will know just who your Poppy was, and how he was a hero to many. Not only as what he did for the FDNY and the City of Manhattan, but what he did for, ultimately, this country.

1 comment:

  1. I just got chills. Beautiful photos and awesome to incorporate these cherished items


summer lyn photography

wife to Greg, mother to 2 beautiful girls, Hannah and Emerson