Saturday, May 23, 2009

My husband says I need an...

...assistant buyer. I am completely obsessed with buying hats and knits for my newborns, I must have over 20! I can't help it, I get a lot of great models, like baby I, who is seven days young. The bear hat is new and from one of my favorite etsy sellers, who has made me about 5 hats in the last month! Anyway, I was an amazing baby, and was so perfect during our session (and those LIPS!!!). I love walking into my newborns sessions and hearing the parents say "Do what you want!" Free reign!! Newborns are so bendy and flexible, it is amazing that they truly sleep through the positions that I put them in. Thanks M and S, for being so welcoming and letting me dote on I... I was a true pleasure.





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summer lyn photography

wife to Greg, mother to 2 beautiful girls, Hannah and Emerson