Monday, March 16, 2009

No pictures here... just NEWS!

These last few months have been SUCH a journey for me. I have been let in to so many people's lives; been relied on to capture their new babies or their family, and I am so grateful to have that opportunity. I especially like to thank those mom's that let me in to their homes after only giving birth ten, nine and even six days prior. Life is crazy enough with a new baby, let alone me practically moving in to your homes with all my stuff to photograph those babies for you. :-)

That being said, with spring upon us now- the changing of the seasons, everything in bloom- I have decided I need to give birth as a new website LOL. I am saying goodbye to the original My work has evolved so much in such a short time, that I feel I need to give it new life, so to say. I am sure there are certain images that will remain in the change-over- ones that I am just not ready to let go of, ones that have told a story somehow, or maybe ones that have just been so heart-warming to look at...

I am very excited about this new website: it is going to be loaded with some new colors, new galleries, maybe even a new logo!!! If all goes as planned, the new site should be kicking off within the next month or two...

To any blog stalkers- thanks for checking up on a regular basis. You are the ones that make me stay up late and update...just when I am ready to go to bed, I think "nah, I'll update my blog". My blog is the only way to really see my work evolving...and so the blog will remain.

To my past clients, thank you so much. I come out of every session usually with at least one or two images that I fall in love with (which is why I need the new website- with unlimited galleries and images!!) To my future clients, as this website change occurs, I cannot wait to include you!!

Stay tuned..................

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summer lyn photography

wife to Greg, mother to 2 beautiful girls, Hannah and Emerson